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liar loan造句

"liar loan"是什么意思  
  • On the Jon Ronson show, Serin again confirmed his use of so-called " liar loans ".
  • Merkley also championed an amendment that banned liar loans, a predatory mortgage practice that played a role in the housing bubble and subsequent financial collapse.
  • Engle's case gained attention in The New York Times, in articles written by Joe Nocera . " In Prison for Taking a Liar Loan"
  • This was most often seen with so-called " stated income " mortgage loans ( popularly referred to as " liar loans " ), where the borrower, or a loan officer acting for a borrower with or without the borrower's knowledge, stated without verification the income needed to qualify for the loan.
  • It's difficult to see liar loan in a sentence. 用liar loan造句挺难的
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